Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Change header in XMLUI interface

This is the default text header in xmlui interface.

Open following file in a terminal,
sudo su
leafpad /opt/tomcat/webapps/xmlui/i18n/messages.xml

Find the line  (Line no. 2178)

<message key="xmlui.dri2xhtml.structural.head-subtitle">DSpace Repository</message>

Change the text Dspace Repository

Save and close the file.
Refresh page Dspace xmlui interface.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Full text indexing with Dspace

Media Filters in Dspace are responsible to extract text for full-text searching. Media Filters for HTML Text, PDF text, Word file, Power Point enabled by default with Dspace. 

Run media filter from command line
Media filter can run from command line. It will generate index for searching.  

sudo su
/dspace/bin/dspace filter-media

Monday, October 3, 2016

Dspace backup manually

Backup of database
Open a Terminal and apply the following commands,

sudo su - postgres
pg_dump dspace > dspace.backup

Type exit to quit the Postgres prompt.
The above command takes a backup of the DSpace database and stores it in /var/lib/postgresql. Copy the database backup file to a safe place.

Enter the password of the Linux user for dspace.

Backup of Asset store and log folders.
Execute these commands one by one;
sudo zip -r /dspace/assetstore
sudo zip -r /dspace/log

Backup-up files will be deposited in your home folder.

Image courtesy: Open Clip Art

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Change big logo on JSPUI interface

Here is the position of Dspace big logo on JSPUI interface.

Configure Gmail on Dspace

Dspace can accommodate Gmail service to send emails.

Email settings reside in dspace.cfg file. Open the Terminal and apply following commands to add gmail configuration:

sudo su
leafpad /dspace/config/dspace.cfg

Find following each chunk of lines the configuration file and add Gmail credentials.

New user account from command line

Dspace administrator can add new user through command line besides email registration. Open Terminal and apply following commands,

sudo su
/dspace/bin/dspace user --add --email -g Tom -s User --password userpassword

Replace with your email and desired user password.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Change port number 8080 to 8081

Open following files and change the port number 8080 to 8081 or other port numbers.

sudo leafpad /dspace/config/modules/discovery.cfg

Change port number 8080 to 8081 in the following line,

search.server = http://localhost:8080/solr/search
sudo leafpad /dspace/config/modules/oai.cfg 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Restore old versions of Dspace to Dspace 6

Take a backup of Dspace database and folders

Assume that the old version of Dspace is running. Take a PostgreSQL database backup. Open a Terminal and apply following commands,

sudo su - postgres
pg_dump dspace > dspace.backup

The above command take a backup of Dspace database and store in /var/lib/postgresql/ .Copy the database.backup file to a safe place.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Schedule Dspace backup using cron job

Schedule backup of Asset store and Log folders
Cron job is very helptul to automate the routine tasks in Linux. Using Cron job Dspace user can take regular backup and deposit in an assigned folder. No need to find time for manual backup.

Open Applications > Accessories > Terminal

sudo su
crontab -e
It will ask to select an editor to open crontab, select nano editor.
Copy paste following two lines at the end of crontab,

45 16 * * * zip -r  /home/dspace/backup/ /dspace/assetstore
45 16 * * * zip -r  /home/dspace/backup/ /dspace/log 

Above command will take backup of assetstore and log folders at evening 4:45 pm. You can change the timing.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Install DSpace 5.x on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Installation of prerequisite applications

Open  Applications > Accessories > Terminal and execute following commands. Text in italics are commands to be executed.

sudo su
apt-get install leafpad openjdk-7-jdk postgresql ant maven

Clean Dspace database

User can clean the existing installation of Dspace by deleting database and asset store and retain fresh install state.

First take backup of your asset store and clean the directory.

sudo su
cd /dspace/assetstore
rm -rf *

Clean database and go to default state of installation

/dspace/bin/dspace database clean
/dspace/bin/dspace database migrate