Thursday, November 2, 2017

Edit news in XMLUI front page

Open a Terminal and apply the following command to open the news file;

leafpad /dspace/config/news-xmlui.xml

Change the new content.
If you wish to add hyperlink of any website, please see the script beloow,

<xref target=""><head>Online Catalogue</head></xref>

Save and close the file. Then see the changes in Dspace XMLUI interface.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

http status 404

If Dspace shows the error of "http status 404", it means that Tomcat user has no permission to make changes in Dspace folders. 

The lack of Tomcat user  on Dspace folders can also generate problem of reluctant to upload the documents.

We need to give the permission to the Tomcat user to access Dspace folders, upload and assetstore. First find the Tomcat user name in the Dspace computer. My Tomcat user name is tomcat. Then assign all permissions to write changes in the folders. Open a Terminal and apply following commands:

sudo su
chown -R tomcat /dspace/upload 
chown -R tomcat /dspace/assetstore

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Customise the logo of XMLUI interface

Prepare a logo as follows (125x74 pixel). Here image format is PNG.

Place the image in home folder (e.g. /home/vimal).
Open a Linux Terminal and apply following command to copy the logo image to the folder.

cp logo.png /opt/tomcat/webapps/xmlui/themes/Mirage/images

Open the css file to change the logo image attribute. Open a terminal and apply following command. Here Dspace webapps directory located in /opt/tomcat/. Dspace webapps may be located in /dspace folder. Confirm it before the execution of the below command;

leafpad /opt/tomcat/webapps/xmlui/themes/Mirage/lib/css/style.css

Find the following portion from the file.

change the width and height of the logo. Change the logo name.
Go to the Dspace XMLUI home page and refresh the browser.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Install DSpace 5.x on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Installation of prerequisite applications
Open  Applications > Accessories > Terminal and execute the following commands. Apply following commands,

sudo update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install leafpad openjdk-8-jdk ant maven