Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Schedule Dspace backup using cron job

Schedule backup of Asset store and Log folders
Cron job is very helptul to automate the routine tasks in Linux. Using Cron job Dspace user can take regular backup and deposit in an assigned folder. No need to find time for manual backup.

Open Applications > Accessories > Terminal

sudo su
crontab -e
It will ask to select an editor to open crontab, select nano editor.
Copy paste following two lines at the end of crontab,

45 16 * * * zip -r  /home/dspace/backup/assetstore.zip /dspace/assetstore
45 16 * * * zip -r  /home/dspace/backup/log.zip /dspace/log 

Above command will take backup of assetstore and log folders at evening 4:45 pm. You can change the timing.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Install DSpace 5.x on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Installation of prerequisite applications

Open  Applications > Accessories > Terminal and execute following commands. Text in italics are commands to be executed.

sudo su
apt-get install leafpad openjdk-7-jdk postgresql ant maven

Clean Dspace database

User can clean the existing installation of Dspace by deleting database and asset store and retain fresh install state.

First take backup of your asset store and clean the directory.

sudo su
cd /dspace/assetstore
rm -rf *

Clean database and go to default state of installation

/dspace/bin/dspace database clean
/dspace/bin/dspace database migrate