Monday, December 12, 2022

Upgrading DSpace 6 to 7

Take a backup of the DSpace 6 database and folders

Open a Terminal and apply the following commands,

sudo su - postgres
pg_dump dspace > dspace.backup

The above command takes a backup of the DSpace database and stores in /var/lib/postgresql. Copy the database.backup file to a safe place.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Install DSpace 7 on Debian 11 / Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

We use Debian 11 (Bull Eye) Xubuntu 22.04 LTS to install DSpace 7. ISO file of Debian 11 can be downloaded from the link (I prefer Debian with MATE desktop). Xubuntu 22.04 can be downloaded from here. Users who feel challenged to use barebone Debian can also try Dbebian-based Linux operating systems like Pepper Mint OSEither burn the ISO file to a pen drive or DVD. Install Debian 11 on the machine. Create a user account during the installation (e.g. mgu). Create the user with the name dspace after installing the Linux-based operating system. If you have already run on Ubuntu/Debian (e.g. for Koha), create a dspace user.

Prepare the system for Dspace installation.

DSpace consists of both a Java-based backend and an Angular-based front end. Both the backend and front end need to be installed separately. Install the prerequisites for the Dspace software. Dspace builds on the Java platform and requires software packages like Tomcat, Solr, Maven, Ant, etc.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Install DSpace 6.3 on Ubuntu 20.04

We use Xubuntu 20.04 LTS for the installation of DSpace 6. ISO file of the operating system can be downloaded from the Xubuntu website, No problem using other Ubuntu flavors (e.g. Ubuntu with GNOME, KDE, Lubuntu) for the installation. Either burn the ISO file to a pen drive or DVD. Install the Xubuntu on the machine. Create a user account during the installation (e.g. mgu). Create the user with the name dspace after the installation of Linux based operating system. If you have already run on Ubuntu/Debian (e.g. for Koha), create a dspace user.

Prepare the system for Dspace installation.

DSpace builds on the Java platform and it requires a set of software packages like Tomcat, Solr, Maven, Ant, etc. Install the prerequisites for the Dspace software. 

Thursday, May 19, 2022

MediaFilters for full-text search and thumbnail creation

Thumbnails of documents give more visibility for PDF documents of books, reports, articles and magazines. DSpace filter-media script extracts the PDF files for full-text search and thumbnail creation. and after submitting an item. Here is the view of an item without a thumbnail,

Filter-Media script can run either individually after submission of an item for the instant result. Apply the following command to run filter-media,

sudo /dspace/bin/dspace filter-media

The filter-Media command can be added to Crontab to schedule the filter-media command. Add these cron settings under the Linux user account which is running Tomcat (and owns the dspace installation directory).

crontab -e

If the DSpace run on a 24x7 working server machine, add the following entries into the Crontab,

# Run the media filter at 03:00 am every day.
0 3 * * * /dspace/bin/dspace filter-media

If you would like to change the timing, add a convenient time. See the different Cron time examples available here. See the thumbnails along with the item after applying the filter-media script.


Media filters for Transforming DSpace Content

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

OAI-PMH / OAI-ORE Harvester

OAI-PMH and OAI-ORE are the standards for the description and exchange of metadata and digital objects for archives. DSpace is compatible with OAI-PMH and OAI-ORE. It means, it's possible to import metadata and digital objects (e.g. text, images, data, and video) into DSpace. A DSpace administrator can import metadata from an e-journal/e-book/institutional repository (e.g.,, Harvesting metadata and digital objects from an external source will enrich the institutional repository run on DSpace and it also enhance the user experience. Following are the steps to harvest content from an external source.