DSpace 7 default port for the front end is 4000. The port needs to open to make DSpace available in a local network. I applied this method on Ubuntu 22.04 and Debian 11. Here are the processes to make available DSpace 7 in the network.
Open the Port 4000
ufw is the default firewall configuration tool. Install ufw by applying the following command,
sudo apt install ufw
Apply the following command to open port 4000.
sudo ufw allow 4000
sudo ufw enable
Network configuration for DSpace
Find the IP address of the computer where DSpace is installed. Apply the following commands to install net-tools software in Ubuntu and know the network details.
sudo apt install net-tools
Debian users can apply the following command to know the network details,
nmcli -p device show
Note down the details and add the IP address.
Open the DSpace configuration file,
sudo mousepad /dspace/config/local.cfg
Find the following lines and add the IP address/domain name instead of localhost.
dspace.ui.url = http://localhost:4000
dspace.server.url = http://localhost:8080/server
Save and close the file.
Open the following configuration file (make sure the location of the file in your server) of the DSpace front end,
sudo mousepad /home/dspace/dspace-angular-dspace-7.6.1/config/config.prod.yml
Find the following piece of lines,
ssl: false
host: localhost
port: 4000
Change the hostname. Change localhost to the IP address / domain name.
ssl: false
host: your-ip-address
port: 4000
Save and close the file.
Change localhost to the IP address. Save and close the file.
Restart PC.
Try to load DSpace 7 from other PC in the network. Example,